Big Fancy & The Shiddy Cowboys 10 May

Time: 10:00pm - 12:00am *Start time may be delayed due to the hockey game.

Price: No cover

Age Restrictions: 18+

Invoking the masters of Country, Old-Time, and Blues, Big Fancy roams the land, a true troubadour moonshiner with a sharp wit and love-lorn voice who’ll break your heart like an echo from a hidden treasure of a record collection.

The Shiddy Cowboys join him with a sound coming straight from a late night, smoke filled, 1950’s Honky Tonk. Playing original songs of love lost and bad choices served with an unhealthy amount of self deprecating humour. This is Loser Country.

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Atha-B Night Club, 510 Patricia St Jasper, AB Canada T0E 1E0

How to get there